MA DPH/DCAMM Shattuck Hospital relocation PowerPoint. The MA Department of Public Health is relocating its Lemuel Shattuck Hospital from its current Jamaica Plain campus to the former BMC Newton Pavilion building at 88 East Newton Street in 2024. BFSNA has been hosting a series of meetings about the facility and project, featuring officials from MA DPH and the Department of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance (the state agency that controls and manages the site during the constriction/renovations phase) and their architectural team. This PowerPoint showing the site plan as currently proposed, renderings and construction timeline, was shared at a June 23, 2021 meeting with abutters, neighbors and community members. (An earlier version, presented at an April 20, 2021 meeting, is available here. Note that this earlier version does not reflect changes subsequently made based on feedback at that meeting.)

Proposed public safety cameras deployment. A map showing locations to be viewed by a proposed deployment of Boston Police Department-operated public safety cameras in and around the BFSNA district is available here. BFSNA members heard about and discussed this proposal at our September and November 2019 meetings and voted to support the proposed deployment and funding mechanism.

Memorandum of Understanding with Liberty Compassion. In February 2019, Blackstone/Franklin Square Neighborhood Association and Liberty Compassion, Inc. signed an MOU regarding mitigation measures and community benefits to be provided by Liberty Compassion in connection with its proposed medical marijuana dispensary at 591 Albany Street. The MOU is available here.

Boston Sun article about BFSNA/Liberty Compassion MOU. The Boston Sun published an informative article about the MOU between BFSNA and Liberty Compassion, describing many of its key elements and the reasoning behind it. You can read the article here.

South End neighborhood associations’ Cannabis Business Principles. In Fall 2018, BFSNA initiated and helped lead a process by which it and a number of other South End neighborhood associations drafted a set of principles to aid residents and stakeholders in evaluating cannabis businesses proposals for our neighborhood. The principles are here.

Areas represented by South End neighborhood associations. The South End has a number of neighborhood associations. This map shows the approximate boundaries of the district each represents. Note that some associations may overlap with others geographically or otherwise have different boundaries than depicted here.

Proposed revisions to BFSNA bylaws. As discussed at our November 2019 and January 2020 meetings, the BFSNA board proposes to update our organization's bylaws so that they fully align with how BFSNA has evolved and grown in recent years. The purpose and effect of the revisions is not to change how BFSNA operates now, but rather ensure our formal rules---which were originally written in 1982 and last updated in 1994--match up with our organizational work and culture as it exists in 2020. Altering the bylaws requires a vote of members, which we expect to hold at the March meeting, and we'll walk through the details once again then. The proposed revised bylaws can be reviewed here.