Blackstone/Franklin Square Neighborhood Association 

The Blackstone/Franklin Square Neighborhood Association seeks to enhance and preserve the social, cultural, economic and physical conditions of our South End, Boston neighborhood, with particular concern for its vibrant, diverse and historical character. We strive to be open, inclusive and among the most active and effective neighborhood voices in the South End.

We hold general meetings five times a year. These are unique chances for residents to talk to, hear from and question people and entities whose work, decisions and plans may shape our neighborhood, like senior leaders at City Hall and D4 Boston Police Department, local businesses, developers, institutions and civic groups, as well as participate in our own resident-driven priorities. We sponsor and organize regular and ad hoc activities and annual events, like frequent cleanups in our namesake Squares, our signature annual Holiday Tree and Wreath Sale and our Scholarship Fund for South End youth.

We engage in on-going discussions, education and advocacy on issues that matter to our members, district and neighborhood, via meetings with public officials, City of Boston agencies, local institutions and other stakeholders, outreach among residents, businesses and fellow neighborhood associations and communications in social media and news media.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit that thrives and exists thanks to its members, supporters and donors.

We hope you’ll join us!.

Our meetings and public activities are open to all and everyone is welcome to attend and participate. You don’t need to be a member or live within any particular boundaries or part of the neighborhood.

We ordinarily meet on the 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, September and November via Zoom, with agendas noticed in advance on our social media channels and email list. We typically hold in-person informal social get-togethers at local restaurants in alternate months, but these are currently suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Become a member

Become a member of Blackstone/Franklin Square Neighborhood Association. Membership is free!  Check out the benefits of, and eligibility for, membership and sign up here.

subscribe to our newsletter

Not a member, but want stay informed with our periodic newsletter about happenings in the neighborhood and receive our meeting notices and agendas? Great! Sign up here.

Make A Gift

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the quality of life in the neighborhood. Your tax-deductible gift made via this link will be used for the exclusive benefit of our scholarship fund assisting South End students with the cost of college and higher education.